Our Fees

We are proudly a “Fee-Only” fiduciary financial advisor firm, meaning we don’t receive sales commissions of any kind. When we make recommendations, we believe it’s in your best interest.

We can work together in the following ways:

  • Our hourly rate is $350, billed in 15 minute increments, for project-based financial planning.

  • Flat Project-Based Financial Planning fees vary based on complexity and scope of the project.

    This option can be more cost-efficient than hourly rates for clients with more comprehensive needs. Some examples include planning for retirement or a career change, a large expense, or planning for a growing family.

  • The first one million dollars of assets under our firm's management are billed at an annual advisory fee of 1.00%. Any amounts over one million are billed at an annual advisory fee of 0.50%.

    Annual fees are billed monthly in arrears at a blended rate and are debited directly from the managed account.

    Our clients are not required to utilize our investment management services.


Schedule a complimentary initial one-hour meeting to see how we can help.